
JSky was developed by Allan Brighton while working as a contractor for ESO and Gemini. In addition, a number of people and institutions have contributed source code to the JSky project:

  • The new Virtual Observatory (VO) features in this JSky realease are based on StarJava and TopCat code written by Mark Taylor of Bristol University.
  • Jeremy Jones of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center contributed the world coordinates support as well as many utility classes, which we borrowed from the SEA project.  Sandy Grosvenor of the GSFC also contributed many utility classes and the science package. The Timeline widget was also borrowed from the SEA sources and modified.
  • The new WCS grid feature was contributed by Hiroshi Yatagai. The new graphics rotation feature is also based on his code.

The following external packages are also used by JSky classes:
  • FITS - Tom McGlynn's FITS I/O library (v0.93)
  • FITS H-Compress - from Patrick Dowler of the CADC.
  • StarJava - JSky now depends on a number of StarJava packages for VO features.

For a complete list of dependencies, see the Maven jsky/pom.xml file in the source tree.