Installation instructions

JSky is written in Java so it needs JRE - Java Runtime Environment, version 6.0 or later. Before installation, please make sure, that you have installed correct version of JRE. To download the JRE installation bundle, go to JSky was tested with Sun's JDK version 6 and uses some features that were only introduced in Java6 (for graphics rotation and default browser access, for example).

Installing the jskycat Application

Binary jskycat packages are available for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. See the relevant section below for installation insructions.

Installation Procedure for Mac OS X

Download the file jskycat-3.0.dmg. Double-click on the file (or use the open command) to mount the disk image. Then drag the jskycat icon to your Applications folder.

Installation Procedure for Linux

Download the file jskycat-3.0-1.noarch.rpm and install (for example, as root with the command: rpm -i jskycat-3.0-1.noarch.rpm). The RPM installs the jskycat command into /usr/local/bin by default. If you don't have permission to install an RPM, you can also use the generic installation procedure described below.

Installation Procedure for Windows

Download the file Unzip the file in the installation directory. This is not an installer, the zip file contains the application. Once the file is unzipped, you can start jskycat by clicking on jskycat.exe, which is a wrapper that actually runs java -Xmx256m -jar jskycat-3.0.jar.

Generic Installation Procedure

Download the file Unzip the file in the installation directory. Once the file is unzipped, you can start jskycat with the jskycat shell script or with the command line: java -Xmx256m -jar jskycat-3.0.jar. The extra memory option (-Xmx256m) may be needed in some cases when dealing with large lists of catalogs or multiple large images.

See the file jsky.pdf in the download section for details about building from the sources. If you want to stay up to date with the latest changes, you can also check out the latest sources from subversion.